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All about Walks Back

Every step is a prayer on the sole of the foot, that is touching the ground of being. Every contextual memory is Earth as planetary consciousness, affectively blissful Amma. We can remember this somatic intelligence of our very own mother’s arms holding our ear nearest her heartbeat, that was once reverberating on the surface of our largest self-organising organ-tissue, our integument in utero of an amniotic ocean view. Then, as soft eyes gaze up at her, accompanied by a lite touch on the sole of our foot, energies flow on the surface and just inside every part of our body that feels the felt-sense of the touch of her smile radiating and reflecting in our own eyes, for the first light of loving companion presence. I am loving awareness, soulful and soleful, presence of reality in the present moment awareness of interbeing and intersubjective communion.

From that initial moment of being seen and touched, when our first breath is still in the five lobes of our lung sacs, we begin to draw our nutrients from our mother’s side, as she lets go and lets down, for the first time, just for us. Here we learn our first life lesson, no fearing of fear necessary here in this place, because we belong as pure gift, given by an unfathomable giver.

Furthermore, we meet our mother’s mother and she does the grandmother interbeing song for us: “Our children are our shining stars, our future, when they go to school, they unpack their greatness, sometimes, because of troubles faced, we forget that they are miracles to be loved and inspired, so we walk in prayer to be reminded. We walk for spiritual, emotional, physical, and intellectual wellness in unity for our children and communities because we are all related. They are our shining stars, our future,” sings Elaine Fleming, on Gaa’ Miskwaawaakokaag. Our grandmothers prayers and our grandfathers sacrifices increase our faith and courage to accept and love everything that is here in this place, our home. 

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Feedback From Our Readers


When I ponder in my quiet time what it means to belong to a soul collective, the only subject that really matters is how may I contribute more.
Rick Mickey
Thursday, August 31, 2019
There is really nothing to do here, but stay...still and do nothing important until now emerges, again.
Claire Impressions
Wednesday, October 21, 2020