July 3, 2023

Ep 30 Credits

Ep 30 Credits
Podcast_Stan Swamy
I am not a Silent Spectator : Stan Swamy
By: WalksBack
This curated podcast from a compilation of Interviews given by Fr. Stan Swamy to the media over a span of nearly a decade introduces the listeners to Stan's vision, his experiences in Jharkhand over three decades and most importantly a comprehensive picture of ground realities adversely affecting the Adivasis, threatening their very existence.



This curated podcast from a compilation of Interviews given by Fr. Stan Swamy to the media over a span of nearly a decade introduces the listeners to Stan's vision, his experiences in Jharkhand over three decades and most importantly a comprehensive picture of ground realities adversely affecting the Adivasis, threatening their very existence.

Other Episodes

Ep 01 Introduction
Ep 02 Foreword
Chapter 01
Ch 01 Stan's Introduction
Chapter 02
Ch 02 Jiske Jameen Uska Khanij
Chapter 03
Ch 03 Inadequate Compensation
Chapter 04
Ch 04 The Contradiction We Face